Author: Script Installation

Healthcare Data Breaches Are Preventable With MFT

Some healthcare providers undervalue the need to secure their protected health information from unauthorized users, as well as even some authorized users who may abuse their privileges. So many healthcare providers do allocate the appropriate budgetary funds to secure their medical data delivery services. With security breaches and lost data abound nowadays, it is more …

Why Customers Prefer Independent Pharmacies Over Chain Stores

Go Green by Selling Your Laptop for Cash

Three Effective SEO Techniques

Can Dinosaurs Come Back From The Dead? Internet Users Apparently Think So

“Jay Branscomb, a Facebook pundit posted an image of Steven Spielberg posing with a dead looking realistic triceratops prop from the 1993 blockbuster Jurassic Park,” CBS reports. “And people thought it was real.” That’s right. Apparently, there are people online who are gullible enough to believe that Steven Spielberg killed a dinosaur. (I guess the …

Three Ways to Improve Your Social Media Engagement

Social media marketing works only if you can generate engagement. It’s not enough to just post interesting, relevant content anymore (although that’s important, too). There has to be a conversation involved. The problem is that it can be pretty difficult to get people talking without looking like you’re fishing for attention. Even the best creative …

Sick of Your Bad Office Chair? Get a New One

The Benefits of Hiring IT Management Services

Did you know that more than 95 million computers were sold in the United States in 2011? Although computers are revolutionary items that make working and relaxing easier, they are sometimes difficult to use and require repairs. Fortunately, when you are having trouble using your computer properly, IT management services are available to help. IT …

Protect Yourself, Improve Your Business with This Guide to Choosing HRMS Software Vendors