Did you know that just about every house in the U.S. owns at least one television? Also, Statistics Brain reports that people spend an average of five hours watching their TV.
This makes for several hours of TV fun, but it could also lead to lost TV remote controls. Most TV’s come with multiple remotes nowadays — one for the audio system, one for the TV itself, and one for the cable box or satellite.
Luckily, replacement television remote controls are not hard to find. You may think that universal remote codes on universal remotes will work just fine, but this is not the case, especially with today’s newer TV’s. Universal remotes can only perform basic functions, which may be virtually useless for your TV-watching needs.
Instead, you can find replacement television remote controls from either the company that manufactured your TV, or even from sites that offer a number of different TV remote replacements.
For example, if you have an LG, Sony, or Panasonic TV, you can go to their website and place an order for a remote. Whether you get an LG remote control or a Panasonic one, you will need to provide the company with the model number and type of remote.
But it may be even easier to head to a website that sells several different brands of replacement remotes. You just have to browse the menu for the type of TV you own, then look at the back of your cable or satellite box for the code that your lost remote used to communicate with. Once you enter this information, you will have your remote within a week, or you can even rush the delivery if you are desperate.
There’s no shame in opting for express delivery, because without the remote, you often can’t even turn your TV on, let alone flip channels or access your DVR.
So, if you lose a remote, make haste, and get it replaced as soon as you can. Read more here: remotes.com