As you research the most sensible business voice services for your needs, you’re liable to run into some complaints and false information. That’s not to say that Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP) is without flaws, but for most of the small issues that tend to weigh in on service quality there are reasonably simple fixes. For many that use VoIP phone services as part of their small business model, putting up with a few shortcomings isn’t a big deal. But others are striving for perfection.
One of the biggest ongoing complaints about VoIP service is that of delays.
Also referred to as ‘latency,’ this characterized a detectable gap in the time between when words are spoken on one end of a call and when the reach the listener’s ear. Often it manifests as a disconcerting echo. There are actually three different kinds of VoIP network delays:
Handling delays are challenging to explain in layman’s terms, but mainly has to do with the amount of voice sampling sent in each packet of information via the VoIP. Handling delays are known to occur with traditional phone lines as well, but the internet’s packet-delivery system makes it a larger issue.
Queuing delays are basically the result of packet overload, which occurs when the network is congested/overrun with information.
Propagation delay is the natural 70 millisecond delay for a signal that’s traveling halfway around the world, which isn’t normally detectable to the human ear. But these delays can be exacerbated by any of the other kinds and result in a noticeable “hang.”
The way to best combat delays of any kind is to use a VoIP service that prioritizes traffic. Often, it may involve upgrading to a “business class” service, depending on the service tiers provided. Bandwidth allotment, type/class of service protocols and general policy-based network management are all different modes by which these networks can be prioritized.
Additionally, delays can be caused by trying to use standard residential-speed ISP service with VoIP rather than a premium high speed or business class service.
Voice over internet phone service is the main consideration these days when contemplating business voice services. As time goes on there’s little doubt these services will become more and more polished, but for now some minor network issues still exist. Look for VoIP carriers that offer different classes of service and see what works best for you.
To learn more, read this.