Storage tanks and above ground water tanks are used for a variety of reasons, including storage of contaminated water, for fracing purposes, and for storage of fresh drinking water. The idea of above ground tanks is especially beneficial for storage of drinking water supplies while repairs or drilling for oil is completed. Depending on the city using the storage tank, specific needs and requirements of the tank will differ. It is important to have an above ground water storage tank design that specifically fits your unique needs.
Sizing needs
Different cities and states will require different sizes of above ground water tanks. Larger cities tend to have more water supply and more options for underground drilling. The tank designs will need to be larger and the city may need a higher quantity of the tanks. Storage tank fabrications can be used to mimic a currently used above ground tank that already meets the city?s needs. It is also possible that a smaller city might need a larger above ground storage tank because of large quantities of water. It will likely depend on the size of the municipal wastewater treatment facility. In the United States, there are about 16,000 municipal wastewater treatment facilities in operation.
Security needs
The required security needs will likely depend on the contents that are stored in the storage tank fabrication. If the contents are contaminated or contain fire hazards, it is likely that they will be securely stored. In this case, bolted storage tanks are ideal. The tanks can only be opened by a few select individuals who are familiar with safety precautions and the contents of the water tank. However, even if the tanks contain petroleum, they are probably contained in bolted steel tanks. This storage tank fabrication ensures that the petroleum is well protected from outside sources.
Safety precautions
Safety is one of the most important factors when it comes to choosing the best storage tank fabrication for your needs. While bolted tanks can provide a level of safety, they do not protect workers from things like fire. When you store contaminated water or petroleum in these tanks, there is a risk for fire. A fire suppression tank may be necessary, depending on the amount of petroleum stored in the storage tank fabrication and the location of the above ground tank.
It is likely that these tanks will increase in usage of petroleum storage. Currently, the country is attempting to locate additional fuel sources that can break ties with other countries. Obtaining our own sources of petroleum can reduce prices and increase energy efficiency efforts for the country. However, petroleum storage tanks are necessary in advancing these efforts. Among oil and gas companies, North American exploration and production companies will spend one quarter more than their counterparts. Perhaps this is because there is an increased motivation for finding additional petroleum sources within our or neighboring countries.
Wastewater needs
States and individual cities will always have a need for wastewater. Although we have advanced plumbing systems, that water needs to be disposed of somewhere. When we pump it back into the world?s water sources, we are contaminating possible drinking water sources. We may also be ruining petroleum drilling sources. A portion of the water is recycled, but the rest must be put somewhere. These storage tanks may also be beneficial for this purpose. While around 70% of water in the Marcellus Shale gas country in PA is recycled, the remaining wastewater needs to be disposed of. This is a common percentage for large gas country cities all over the country.
Storage tanks are a necessary storage feature in many industries. They provide easy and safe storage for things like petroleum, drinking water, and wastewater. In many cases, cities must purchase a storage tank fabrication or individual design that is suited specifically for their needs. Things like size, safety, fire hazard, and contents should all be factored into the decision. It is likely that we will see an increase in usage of storage tank fabrications over the next couple of years.