Five Reasons to Invest in Social Media Marketing

Advertising agency atlanta

Many advertising agencies will tell you that social media needs to be one of your utmost priorities when you develop your good marketing strategy. Even if your business is not internet driven, emphasizing social media helps the sustainability and revenue of your business in a number of ways. If you are not on-board with getting on the social media bandwagon yet, we’ve put together a few reasons to change your mind.

Five Reasons That Advertising Agencies Love Social Media

  1. Social media creates brand awareness.
    Social media is a platform that spans across all demographics and walks of life. In fact, nearly 80% of American adults have some sort of social media profile; it would be difficult to find any other common thread that binds us all together.

    For this reason, social media is one of the most effective ways that advertising agencies use to reach your target market and make your brand memorable to them. Hiring a creative agency to develop a strong brand for you on social media is a great way to connect with potential customers who you may not have any other access to otherwise.

    On this wavelength, creating a great social media presence to build brand awareness increases the valuation of your business. Drawing investors or acquirers into your business is far easier when you have a strong brand, and social media is a good metric to use when building that case.

  2. Social media increases revenue.

    Social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Google+ have a wide range of tools available to advertising agencies (or business owners themselves) to drive sales. Another great aspect of this is that because social media is so interactive, getting a customer to a buying point is far easier than with other forms of advertisement, that require the consumer to take an additional step before reaching the call to action.
  3. Social media improves the customer experience.

    You don’t have to be a marketing agency expert to know that having happy customers is an important part of having a sustainable company. The interactive aspect of social media gives customers an avenue in which they feel heard and appreciated. Especially if the business (or the advertising firms that represent them) are diligent about engaging with a customer, social media is an excellent way to display great customer service and to make sure customers are satisfied. Furthermore, providing great customer service in such a public forum helps develop a business’s reputation for being customer-centric.

  4. Social media provides exponential advertising power through the ripple effect.

    The interwoven relationship between users of social media have gives a company the ability to maximize their advertisement efforts. For example, when a customer follows a business on Facebook, their friends will see it in their feed. This is especially powerful if the content that you put on social media is interesting, and you followers share it to all of their followers, and so on.
  5. Social media aligns well with search engine optimization.

    If you are not familiar with the impact of search engine optimization, that is a subject for another day. However, here is the biggest reason it is important: over 90% of online experiences start with a search engine. Of those, 70% of users skip over paid ads, and choose one of the top three organic results. Being highly ranked with search engine results is incredibly important for your business. In order to get traffic to your website, you want to at least be on the first page of results. Several factors of the algorithms that search engines use to rank websites can be improved through having strong social media activity. Search engines love to recommend websites that have great social media presence.

Hopefully this article has put you firmly on Team Social Media, however we want to add this word to the wise: the benefits listed above are only achieved through social media done right. If you are half-hazard about your social media approach or just use it to spam your customers, it could have no impact or could harm your reputation. Involving a marketing professional to get your business’s social media kicked off on the right foot might be a good path to take if you’re unsure of how to use the powers of social media for good.