It’s a question most of us have no trouble answering: Which do you prefer – voice mail or a live person you can talk to?
Now, consider that you’re calling with a problem, complaint or question. At the very least, a voice mail response means there’s going to be a delay before you get it resolved.
If you own a business, put yourself in the caller’s place. Would you see that as good customer service? Chances are that you’d respond like one of the estimated 78% of Americans who say they would abandon an intended purchase if they felt they weren’t being treated well. Some 45% of people trying to make a purchase online just hang up when they see there’s no chance that their questions or concerns will be addressed quickly.
That’s why the decision to use a business telephone answering service makes such good sense. It enables callers to contact you 24 hours a day and get quality after hours answering that projects the professional image you try so hard to maintain.
And, it has been shown that electing to use a business telephone answering service has a positive effect on your bottom line. You can expect an estimated 5% increase in customer retention, which will in turn lead to an increase in profits of about 125%.
Depending upon the nature, size and scope of your operation, you can choose from a wide variety of specialized options tailored to your needs, including small business answering services, national answering services, medical telephone answering services and virtual reception services.
Never discount the importance of the telephone to your clients and customers. 61% of Americans prefer to get their customer service on the phone, and those companies that use a business telephone answering service to prioritize customer satisfaction have found themselves generating 60% higher profits than competing companies that do not.
When it comes to building and maintaining a satisfied customer base, a quality answering service that allows your business to respond in a timely manner to questions and problems can make all the difference.