4 Things You Should Know About Chemical Manufacturing From Carbon 14 Production to GMP Standards

The largest chemical producing country in the world is the United States, from pharmaceuticals to basic cleaning supplies. These industries can often result in a grand scale of pollution if not heavily regulated. When dealing with chemical industries, it’s important to stay aware of current trends and historical facts both in the face of the impending fight against resistance to adapting to climate change. Here are five useful facts regarding the production and regulation of chemicals.

1. The United States Holds Nearly Half of the Global Pharmaceutical Market

That means pharmaceuticals are big business in the United States, even though it is rarely talked about. The companies are quite powerful and influential in getting beneficial legislation passed, and have shown to have a large degree of control over the market in which they are based.

2. A 2012 Fungal Meningitis Outbreak, Originating From a Pharmacy, Was Responsible For 12 Deaths

Cleanliness and proper storage of chemicals and pharmaceuticals is incredibly important, as the stakes are literally life and death. When dealing with sensitive medicines and vaccines that are going to go into people’s bodies, it is important to take the utmost care when handling and storing items. Strict regulations are in place for a reason, and must be followed to a tee to avoid further outbreaks such as this one.

3. Carbon 14 Production Must Be Heavily Regulated

If you’re wondering “How do chemical manufacturers assess purity?” you’ve come to the right place. Manufacturers are bound to follow what’s known as Good Manufacturing Practice. GMP standards have been put in place to ensure companies follow guidelines to avoid over polluting the environment. C14 radiolabeling should be done in places with carbon 14 production in order to meet GMP quality assurance standards.

4. Radiocarbon Dating Was First Developed Around 1946

A physicist named Willard F. Libby first introduced the process, which consists of measuring the radiation present in Carbon 14. The process allows us to determine the age of an organic object by comparing the remaining radiation with how much radiation should have originally been present in the carbon. Knowing the rate or degradation due to the half-life, we can then determine how old the object is. It’s quite a useful process!

What are your thoughts on carbon 14 production levels and the history of carbon dating? Share them with us down below, and thanks for reading!