Although personalized online advertising may be startling to older consumers, almost two-thirds of younger shoppers say that they use social media to become more familiar with name brands. What can be disconcerting to older shoppers is when they visit a website to shop and then log into their social media accounts, only to find that the social media website “knows” which websites they have recently visited and is gearing its advertising accordingly.
Businesses of every size are striving to strike the perfect balance in their online advertising campaigns. While younger shoppers are more used to shopping with their mobile phones than on a laptop or home computer, older customers may opt to attend their local movie theater or listen to the radio instead of accessing entertainment online. Although digital “books” are now widely available, the demise of the bookstore has unfolded a bit more slowly than originally predicted.
Some internet marketing services advise businesses on their ad campaigns and then leave them to implement their recommendations, but some businesses are finding that since they have to launch such complex marketing campaigns due to the age, location, social media preferences, shopping habits, and linguistics preferences of their customer base, a helping hand after the initial planning phase can help ensure a successful outcome.
A marketing agency or SEO consultant can help clients reformat existing websites, blogs, marketing materials, and traditional advertising campaigns while helping craft a creative approach to client retention and brand expansion. SEO marketing can seem complex, but even expansive ad campaigns can often be structured by product type and relevant keywords. Internet marketing services should have extensive experience in organizing low-cost ad campaigns for high-yield results.
With about 90% of younger shoppers reporting daily activity on social media and more than 40% of seniors accessing the internet on a regular basis, targeting marketing can do more than raise consumers’ awareness of a company’s brands and services. Directed, effective internet marketing that makes use of SEO tools can often have a positive long-term effect on conversion rates and customer loyalty as well.