Finding a job isn’t as hard as staying at a job, it appears, as employment retention rates are at record lows. In fact, 25% more employees are voluntarily leaving their jobs than employees who were 20 years ago, almost 3 million by the end of June 2015 alone. And only 20% of employees believe that they are adequately motivated and encouraged to performance as best as they possibly can. It has been called the “job hopping generation,” even, as surveys show that 6 out of 10 employees are always on the look out for a better position. There could be a number of causes for these low rates of job retention, from employee dissatisfaction to poor management.
But many human resource departments and human resource executives believe there is another reason: a poor skills match, meaning that the hired employee who did not stay at the business or company was simply not right for the job. Fortunately, there are steps that businesses and companies can take to prevent or at least minimize instances like this. An HR executive search can help human resources executive recruiters to best place prospective employees with a company best suited to their skill sets. An HR executive search in conjunction with a job placement agency can help the company to not only find the best fit for a job opening, but for job seekers to find the best fit for them as well. As an HR executive search can prove, both parties can benefit from the utilization of an outplacement service company. An HR executive search can help not only to fill vacancies but also in the restructuring of companies and firms.
There are ways that companies and businesses themselves can increase employee retention and employee satisfaction after utilizing an HR executive search as well. For example, employee recognition programs and events can be hugely beneficial for both employees and employers, and over 85% of all companies with employee recognition programs have reported increase happiness among their workers. Diverse companies also seem to outperform their peers, and more women than ever are moving into positions of power. Making sure to be sensitive to difference and diversity can also help companies retain employees as well as succeed in the long run.
Employee retention has proved to be a significant issue in the last few years, but there are steps that companies and businesses can take to fight against low employee retention rates. For example, hiring employees better fit to the job and increasing worker happiness through recognition programs are just two things that companies and businesses can do.