Many people are facing the increased pressure of doing their job correctly as the nation attempts to deal with a health care crisis that is crippling not only the mental and physical welfare of people, but also the economy of the nation. From knowledge about automatic sprinkler designs in parts of hospitals that may have not been used recently to understanding the logistics of delivering food and pharmaceuticals, it is important that everyone complete their jobs to the best of their abilities.
Some roles in the country are so important, in fact, that even the grocery and retail stores aha are limiting their hours are setting aside special times when not only the elderly and those with preexisting health conditions can shop, but also opportunities for first responders and medical workers to come in as well. Behind the scenes of all of the places that Americans are relying on during these challenging times, however, is an entire system of people and companies working to also keep these spaces as safe as possible. While so many health and public officials are making new recommendations about the use of masks and gloves, all of us still rely on the standards that are in place to protect against fire. For example, workers who have been specifically trained at the latest fire sprinkler classes are those folks who are making sure that all of these spaces are as safe as possible. From the newest hospital tents that are needed in some hot spots in the country to the updates that some home and business owners are making to their spaces, the knowledge of fire sprinkler system designers is essential. With state and federal regulations to follow, in fact, there remains a need for these technicians to attend the latest fire sprinkler classes.
Fire Sprinkler Design Companies Play Important Roles in the Safety of Any Public Space
When a local grocery store makes the decision to convert an unused sit down restaurant space to a staging area for online grocery order products, there are many considerations they need to address. First and foremost in any public space, it is important that all fire safety codes are followed. As the technicians that inspect these spaces attend fire sprinkler classes, they become well versed in everything from large congregational spaces in a church to the much necessary data center areas that so many financial institutions depend on.
Consider some of these facts and figures about the many ways that fire sprinkler classes, installations, and inspections protect home and business owners, as well as consumers, patients, and students:
- There were 499,000 structure fires in the United States in 2017, up 4.9% from 475,500 fires in the year 2016, according to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). These numbers are a concern to everyone, but especially to those who are in charge of fire sprinkler installations and inspections.
- To provide an example of just how important fire safety is, it is concerning to note that a structure fire occurred every 63 seconds, a home fire occurred every 88 seconds, and an outside property fire occurred every 51 seconds, according to statistics from the year 2017.
- Kitchen fire safety is especially important when you realize that 29.9% of non-residential fires in 2016 were attributed to cooking, while only 11% were reported as being unintentional or due to carelessness.
- Although environmental conditions that lead to wild fires are often what makes the news, it is also important to note that in the year 2017 alone, fires in structures not related to wildfires caused $10.7 billion in property damage. This is a number that represents a 37% increase from the 2016 loss of $7.8 billion.
- Fortunately, with the latest advancements and requirements, statistics show that sprinklers reduce the amount of water used to fight a fire by as much as 90%.
- Automatic fire sprinklers have been in use in the U.S. since 1874, but there are always new improvements that require installers and inspectors auto attend classes in an effort to understand the latest updates.
Every space where people live, shop, work, or receive care is a space that needs the important protection provided by fire sprinkler systems.