The Future is in the Clouds Here’s Why

Cloud management broker

Cloud broker companies offer a wide array of services, which in turn help a wide array of clients’ internal and external operations. The cloud broker brings the knowledge of which services fit together best for the client’s operation. But it’s the client who must first realize the benefits of the cloud and seek out these broker services.

A surprising number of IT departments, especially at the local government level, are somewhat slow to adapt and understandably wary of tampering with old systems containing sensitive data. But they must realize that what consumers want is efficiency and quality — and cloud computing provides just that.

The Investment

The government intends to eventually cut data center infrastructure expenditure by 30% by using cloud computing. It takes not insubstantial time and money to upgrade and maintain IT equipment and software. Cloud broker services help to streamline this process by creating an infrastructure which allows for easy management of resources. The broker monitors server life and other back-end issues, freeing the client to focus on more immediate company affairs. So, investing in cloud computing via a broker not only provides a modern and versatile service, but it also provides expert security and support for the system. Finally, with a cloud system, scaling services up or down requires no expensive future adjustments to the client’s own infrastructure.

The Security

Cloud broker companies simply know their business better than the office help desk. Brokers have their own teams of specialized technicians on staff and are equipped with much more significant economies of scale. This expert monitoring means enterprise data is safer from both technological malfunction and malicious outside threat. In today’s climate of concern over data breaches, this assurance of security is critical for the comfort and trust of the public.

Current clients of cloud broker companies say they have come to value the reliability of this system beyond even the cost savings and ease of integration. That’s probably why the global market for cloud equipment is predicted to be worth $79.1 billion by 2018.

The Accessibility

One would think greater security means stricter accessibility, but cloud computing actually makes IT environments must more fluid and dynamic than ever before. With the use of Single Sign-On, cloud broker companies keep even their mobile cloud services in a single, secure environment even while allowing users with the right credentials to access accounts across multiple devices. Cloud users can work from anywhere and provide services to anyone, making business easy to conduct in multiple environments. This allows the client to meet consumer and its own needs easily and simultaneously.

Because clouds are fast. Cloud broker companies can have services running for an enterprise in a matter of hours, rather than the weeks it would take to commission, install, and configure an original system, and once the cloud is running employees can instantly share, sync, collaborate more easily than ever before.

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