A large percentage of our country?s population owns a cell phone. Children as young as 6 or 7 have access to their own cell phones. Even seniors are learning to operate the different application systems of cell phones. Even with the already high percentage of cell phone users, usage and ownership rates are only expected to increase. With so many uses for cell phones today and so many different applications that you can install to your phone, how can you ensure which are safe to download? Cell phone security habits are just as important as the security steps you follow on your desktop computer.
Look at the program?s developer Applications can be submitted by almost anyone. However, it is likely that the applications that were developed by unknown developers, and are not backed by any large company, are not as safe to download. Instead, choose applications and programs that are developed by well known companies, such as a Google drive recovery program. Google has been around for many years and is known for its security and reliability. In fact, The Gmail app, Google?s Email program, has been downloaded from the Google Play Store one billion times.
Pay attention to the reviews People will often leave reviews of a program in the Google Play Store. Before you choose to download a program, pay attention to what other users have said about it. If the reviews are rated low because of poorly working features, this does not necessarily mean the program is unsafe. Read what people?s likes and dislikes are about the program. For example, a Google drive recovery application will have reviews from previous users stating its ability to provide backup Google drive services and whether or not the program is safe to run.
Pay attention to the development of the program Once you install a program to your phone, explore its features. Understand the exact purpose of the program. Is it beneficial to you? Are there any areas that you do not enjoy? Does it slow down your phone so much that it makes it impossible to use? Most unsafe phone applications have red flags. They also generally do not provide any beneficial services, such as the Google drive recovery application, which allows you to easily back up Google apps. With 90.7 million unique users for the Gmail smartphone app in 2014, it is extremely important to regularly backup your phones information.
Install a high quality back up Google drive Sometimes there will be applications that seem to be legitimate, but are not. They are developed with the sole purpose of stealing your information. Some of these unsafe programs even delete all of your files. Ensure that you have a Google drive recovery system installed and that you also have a cloud to cloud backup. This will ensure that all of your information is secure. Most phones simply have their phone?s documents stored to their cloud. However, this can also be deleted.
It is also important to backup your cloud. Most advantageous back up programs, however, back up each program individually, ensuring that all of your information is secure. A backup Google apps Email, for example, will secure all of your Emails in the event your phone is cleared out. In November 2015, Google was ranked first amongst the most visited multi platform web properties in the United States with 247 million U.S. unique visitors and a market share of 63.9% among the leading U.S. search engine providers.
People use their cell phones for a variety of purposes, including communication, social media, business, work tasks, and educational. Most believe that all of their information is secure, regardless of the programs they run and the applications they install. It is always a good idea to pay attention to the specific applications that you choose to run on your phone, as some can be extremely dangerous. Ensure that you have a good backup recovery system and that all of your information is properly backed up.