Data storage and the benefits of cold aisle containment, as well as the use of tools like electronic packaging cabinets and hot ais containment options, are becoming more and more well known all throughout the United States. As a matter of fact, data storage has become more important than ever as more and more people have switched to storing their important information via the cloud.
Cloud storage is, after all, on the rise. For one thing, it does away with much of the hassle found in paper filing system. Paper filing systems waste a lot of time not only in searching for the documents stored in them, but in missing and even fully lost documents as well. Cloud storage has also saved money in many cases, leading to the main reasons that more than 80% of all companies in the United States are making or have even fully made (at this point) the switch away from paper filing system and to cloud storage methods.
There are a number of other services that data centers will need to provide as well, such as disaster recovery services (something that the benefits of cold aisle containment can play into). As more and more people and companies want to ensure that their stored data cannot be lost, more and more people are seeking out disaster recovery services as well. And as a result of this, the demand for these disaster recovery services actually grew by more than one fifth (by around 23%, to be just a bit more specific) in just the year of 2019 alone. In the years that are ahead of us, we are likely to see a continuance of this trend.
But many data centers are running out of storage space or have fallen out of date. After all, the data that has been gathered on the subject is really quite clear in this regard. For instance, a data center that is just seven years of age, not even a full decade after opening, will be considered outside of green computing norms and out of date as a result. Typically, a data center can only last for around nine full years before many aspects within it must need to be replaced.
Fortunately, there are ways to keep data centers in good working order for as long as possible. The benefits of cold aisle containment is not to be underestimated, as these benefits of cold aisle containment, as well as hot aisle containment, have been found to work quite well. The benefits of cold aisle containment systems include extending the longevity of a data center and even protecting the data by preventing system failure.
In addition to the benefits of cold aisle containment systems or even the benefit of hot aisle containment systems, regular upkeep and maintenance can make a world of difference when it comes to protecting data systems from failure as well. After all, the majority of all system failures in data centers – up to a full 65% of them, as a matter of fact – can actually be attributed to poorly maintained air conditioning systems in server rooms. And when air conditioning systems are poorly maintained or even inadequate for the space in which they are operating, the consequences of this can be quite dramatic indeed, resulting in system failure and a great deal of damage as a result of this system failure. And air conditioning units that are not adequate for the room they are trying to cool will have to work in overtime, so to speak. Unfortunately, this will lead to them contributing more to harmful environmental effects and even overall global warming than an air conditioning machine better suited for the job would.
At the end of the day, there is just no denying the fact that data centers have become immensely popular all throughout the United States. In the years that are ahead of us, this is a fact that is only likely to become more and more true, especially as technology in all of its forms becomes more and more highly utilized. The benefits of data storage, especially in a direct comparison to paper storage and filing systems, are quite immense and should not be underestimated in importance.